Applicants to our graduate program must meet admission requirements for both Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies at UBC and UBC Creative Writing.
How To Apply
Please read the following documents in full for details on our MFA program and application guidelines. These documents provide answers to most prospective students’ questions. Our MFA information session consists of a series of videos about the program and how to build a strong application package.
How We Assess Applications
Approximately 20% of applicants to our program are accepted each year. We assess applications primarily on portfolio submission, while also taking into account professional experience and publication history. Applicants should have a four-year bachelor’s degree or recognized equivalent.
Faculty members review portfolio submissions but do not provide critique or pre-evaluation. The evaluation procedure is confidential, and we do not disclose any details regarding the decision to accept or reject an applicant.
In light of the disruptions to the spring 2020 semester caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, we want to reassure applicants to our program that our committees will consider each aspect of their application packages, including transcripts, letters of reference, portfolio of writing, CV, and statement of artistic intent. As many colleges and universities switched to pass/fail for spring 2020, our evaluation of student academics will focus on performance prior and subsequent to the spring 2020 term.
Once applicants have been recommended for admission by Creative Writing faculty, they are forwarded to the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies to ensure they meet the university’s academic requirements.
Applicants without a four year bachelor’s degree but with significant formal training or relevant professional experience may be granted admission on the recommendation of Creative Writing and the approval of the Faculty of Graduate Studies.
Our application deadline is in early January for classes beginning the following July (Optional Residency) or September (On Campus and Joint Theatre/Film). Acceptance notices are sent in March. All applicants will be contacted by email, whether offered admission or not. Please note that Optional Residency students have a start date of July 1 whether or not they choose to take the summer residency. The summer residency is not available to first year On Campus students until the following summer.
Applying To Our Joint Programs
Master of Fine Arts in Film Production and Creative Writing
Applicants for the MFA in Film Production and Creative Writing must apply through UBC’s Theatre & Film Department.
Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing and Theatre
The MFA in Creative Writing and Theatre is an on-campus program run jointly by the School of Creative Writing and the Department of Theatre & Film. Applications are submitted through UBC Creative Writing but are also adjudicated by UBC Theatre & Film.