Photo credit: Annika Von Vlack
By Elina Taillon, Creative Writing
In the Winter 2021 term, facilitated by the UBC Centre for Community Engaged Learning and Emily Gorham at CityStudio Vancouver, Adjunct Professor Jennifer Moss’ Interactive Storytelling class (CRWR 312) created a series of written works centred on the regional water systems that sustain us.
These works run parallel to the City of Vancouver Clean Waters Planning team’s efforts to develop a comprehensive Citywide Sewer and Rainwater Management Plan that takes into account population growth, urban runoff and public access to water. Students’ work contributed to the social dialogue around the environmental impact of Vancouver’s water systems—a facet of sustainability that’s close to home.
“Some made ‘podplays’ which were walking audio tours that visited specific routes or places, others created ‘interactive story maps’ or ‘Virtual Reality poems.’ In each case, they were challenged to explore the relationship between water, place, and memory,” says Moss.
Such place-focused projects can provide powerful opportunities to engage with the world around us. Moss explains that the class covers the history of Interactive Storytelling, from ancient Greek ritual to Virtual Reality—the focus is on involving and connecting with the audience, and examining the role they play. For writers keenly aware of the ways their work interacts with the greater environmental context, writing isn’t just aesthetic, but a driver of change.
“You can quote all the numbers you want—but the arts have the ability to go beyond and reach peoples’ emotions—tell stories about the environment that make them care.”
When asked what she hoped students took away from the experience, Moss said, “I hope they feel a sense that they can make a difference—that writing is relevant and important work—and that action starts with ideas written down.”
For more information on the Interactive Storytelling class (CRWR 312), see our course offerings. To discover more about the City of Vancouver’s water management policy, see their Citywide Integrated Rainwater Management Plan.