Hiromi Goto Visits UBC Creative Writing Department


Hiromi Goto Reads her Poem “The Body Politic”

Hiromi Goto is a writer of poetry and fiction (full bio here) who visited our students here at the UBC Creative Writing Department in January.

She attended student workshops and gave a process-based lecture to our undergraduates that explored elements of poetry such as line break vs. prose poem, structure/form, rhyme, homonyms, metaphor, cadence, creativity/cliché, representational poetry vs non-representational. She also honored us by reading her poem The Body Politic, which she kindly allowed us to record  and share with you. Here it is:



Ian Williams (Assistant Professor UBC, Creative Writing Department) with Hiromi Goto

Hiromi Goto Reading from “undercurrent” by Rita Wong

Hiromi Goto Gives Lecture to UBC Undergraduate Students