We’re delighted to announce that three members of the UBC School of Creative Writing are finalists for the 2020 Governor General’s Awards for Literature and the 2021 Amazon First Novel Award
2020 Governor General’s Awards:
- Billy-Ray Belcourt, assistant professor, is nominated for in the non-fiction category for his book, A History of My Brief Body.
- Michelle Good, MFA ’14, is nominated in the fiction category for her book, Five Little Indians.
- Oana Avasilichioaei, BFA ’99 is nominated in the poetry category for her book, Eight Track.
The winner in each category receives $25,000, and each of the finalists will receive $1,000. Winners announced June 1, 2021.
2021 Amazon Canada First Novel Award:
- Michelle Good, MFA ’14, for her book, Five Little Indians.
The winner of the Adult Novel category will receive $60,000, and each of the six finalists will receive $6,000. Winners announced May 27th.