The School of Creative Writing is pleased to congratulate PJ Sarah Collins, MFA. Sarah’s thesis is a speculative war novel entitled Berlin Again.
Sarah is an Okanagan teacher. She’s grateful for the flexibility in the Optional-Residency program which allowed her to study at night (rather than move to UBC with five chickens, four dependents, three bookshelves, two dogs, and one cat). Prior to grad school, she had published two books for children and two online courses for Queen’s University, but craved an understanding of story structure and the confidence to write for any audience. Sarah studied CNF, Fiction, and Screenwriting in her MFA, graduating with a war novel, two short stories, and three screenplays.
Three generations meet in Berlin after the fall of the Wall in July, 1990. One lives for contrition; the other has been groomed to usher in the Fourth Reich. The third, her father, is hell-bent to see it done. Eve Dressler has been brainwashed to revere Hitler, who was only trying to give Germany back what it had at the turn of the century, plus interest. But Grandfather isn’t just a history fanatic with an agenda, he’s an escaped Nazi war criminal… and not her grandfather. Berlin Again contains alternating chapters of Eve’s journey to Berlin and those of her lost grandmother. Interspersed are Eve’s memories of her fanatic family.
Request more information about Sarah’s thesis project using our Grad Showcase Contact Form.