Richard Stevenson, MFA 1984

Richard Stevenson was born in Victoria, B.C., in 1952 and has lived in western Canada and Nigeria. A college English teacher by profession, he has taught English, Canadian and African literature, Business Communication, Creative and Technical Writing, E.S.L., and humanities courses in high schools and colleges. A former Editor-in-Chief of Prism international, he has served in various editorial, jury, and writing/arts group executive capacities. His own reviews and poems have appeared in hundreds of magazines, anthologies, e-zines, and journals published in Canada, the United States, and overseas. He performed with the jazz/ poetry group Naked Ear and rock music/YA verse troupe Sasquatch, and occasionally puts other ensembles together for book launches and performances and reviews books.



Driving Offensively ( Sono Nis Press, 1985 )
Suiting Up ( Third Eye Publications, 1986 )
Horizontal Hotel: A Nigerian Odyssey ( TSAR Publications, 1989 )
Whatever It Is Plants Dream … ( Goose Lane Editions, 1990 )
Learning To Breathe ( Cacanadadada Press, 1992 )
From The Mouths of Angels ( Ekstasis Editions, 1993 )
Flying Coffins ( Ekstasis Editions, 1994 )
Why Were All The Werewolves Men? ( Thistledown Press, 1994 )
Wiser Pills ( HMS Electronic Books, 1994 )
A Murder of Crows: New & Selected Poems ( Black Moss Press, 1998 )
Nothing Definite Yeti ( Ekstasis Editions, 1999 )
C4/4 Miles* ( a Muse ‘n’ Blues Production of Sound Gallery Enterprises, 1999)
with poetry/jazz troupe Naked Ear and composer Gordon Leigh
Live Evil: A Homage To Miles Davis (Thistledown Press, 2000 )
Hot Flashes: Maiduguri Haiku, Senryu, and Tanka ( Ekstasis Editions, 2001)
Take Me To Your Leader! ( Bayeux Arts Inc., 2003 )
A Charm of Finches (Ekstasis Editions, 2004)
Parrot With Tourette’s (Black Moss Press, Palm Poets Series, 2004)
Alex Anklebone & Andy the Dog (Bayeux Arts Inc., 2005)
Riding On a Magpie Riff ( Black Moss Press, memoir for their Settlements series, 2006)
Bye Bye Blackbird: An Elegiac Sequence for Miles Davis (Ekstasis Editions, 2007)
The Emerald Hour: Haiku, Senryu, Tanka, and Zappai , with photographs by Ellen McArthur
(Ekstasis Editions, 2008)
Tidings of Magpies: Haiku, Senryu, and Tanka ( Spotted Cow Press, 2008)
Wiser Pills (Revised Edition, Frontenac Editions, 2008)
Windfall Apples ( Athabasca University Press, 2010)
Casting Out Nines (Ekstasis Editions, 2011)
The Haunting of Amos Manor ( Palimpsest Press/ Magpie Books, 2011)
A Dog Named Normal (Ekstasis Editions, 2013)
Fruit Wedge Moon (Hidden Brook Press, forthcoming 2014)
Rock, Scissors, Paper: The Clifford Olson Murders (Grey Borders Press, forthcoming , 2015)


Hierarchy At The Feeder (dollarpoem editions, 1984)
Twelve Houseplants (dollarpoem editions, 1985)
Dick and Jane Have Sex (greensleeve editions, 1990)
Fuzzy Dice ( Cubicle Press, 2004)\
Frank’s Aquarium (Cubicle Press, 2004)
Flicker At The Fascia (Serengeti Press, 2005)
Tempus Fugit (Laurel Reed Books, 2005)
Jazz Pops for Jack ( Laurel Reed Books, 2011)
Neon Headband ( Leaf Press, 2012)