Rachel Rose, MFA 2005

How did your time in the Creative Writing Program influence your work?

The Creative Writing Program’s requirement to write across genres was an invitation for me to experiment. I will soon have published books in poetry, non-fiction, and fiction. As well as this inspiration to move outside of my comfort zone, I received wise and generous mentorship from my professors at UBC and also was lucky enough to find my people there–writing peers who are still part of my close circle. I treasure the memory of those two years where I was so well-supported to write and to explore.

What’s your latest published/performed work(s)?

My new fiction collection, The Octopus Has Three Hearts, is being published by Douglas & McIntyre in Spring 2021.

Are you connected to any creative writing communities you’d like to mention (UBC alums, film and theatre communities, etc)?

I will be the new co-Associate Director of Vancouver Manuscript Intensive for 2021. http://vancouvermanuscriptintensive.com/

What are your most recent awards?

My poetry collection, Marry & Burn, received a 2016 Pushcart Prize, and was a finalist for a Governor General’s Award. My memoir, The Dog Lover Unit: Lessons in Courage from the World’s K9 Cops, was shortlisted for the 2018 Arthur Ellis award for best non-fiction crime book.


Rachel’s Website: https://rachelsprose.weebly.com/about.html