How did your time in the Creative Writing Program influence your work?
The habit of daily writing encouraged in the UBC Creative Writing Program as well as the thrilling experience of workshopping creative pieces (albeit virtually) were instrumental in my development as a writer. The all-important presence of the creative writing teachers was also imperative. Not only did they support me and cheer me on, they taught important lessons about craft and offered helpful feedback and criticism when appropriate.
Summer on-campus writing programs were also a fantastic way to bring us all together in community and spirit. I’ll never forget Screenwriting Bootcamp. It was a killer, but I fell in love with a brand new way of writing (for me), and it opened my mind and heart to aspects of dialogue, sub-text, three-act structure that I hadn’t even considered before.
The overall experience of the Creative Writing Program was exciting, enlightening and thoroughly enjoyable.
What’s your latest published/performed work(s)?
I have several works-in-progress right now, including short stories and a novel.
Are you connected to any creative writing communities you’d like to mention (UBC alums, film and theatre communities, etc)?
I am a member of Sarah Selecky’s Centered Writing Group.
Is there anything else about your writing career you’d like to share?
I continue to write with more confidence and awareness of craft now that I’ve graduated from the program. And I’m happily sending my work out into the world. What more could a writer ask for?!